Raspberry Pi 4 black screen on bootup after splash screen

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Raspberry Pi 4 black screen on bootup after splash screen

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Update: found out it was the HDMI cable (not the micro to HDMI adapter) didn't even think this would be the problem as I used the same cable when doing the first setup with no issues 🙃 oh well, new cable and it's working perfectly

I seam to be having a problem with booting up my pi4 and I have no idea how to fix it so I am hopping someone with more knowledge them me might be able to figure something out.

The other week I got a new pi4 and 2 new micro SD. I installed the pi os 64bit bookworm 10/10/2023 version. Connected my computer monitor to it with an Micro HDMI to HDMI converter, then HDMI to my monitor. Everything worked exactly as it should, rainbow splash, setup boxed, desktop with functioning apps. turned it off and on a few times as I tested the case, and the browser. the next day it would not bootup, or more specifically would bootup to black. When I take the OS SD out it will show the BIOS just fine so I know my monitor, cables and HDMI output is all working just fine.

So the things I have done:
  • Tried both HDMI ports
  • Reformatted the SD and installed a new OS Pi OS 64bit
  • Pi OS 32bit
  • RetroPi
  • Ubuntu
  • Pi OS legacy bullseye
[*]Installed on a second clean SD [*]Ordered a new Pi 4, also didn't work [*]Tried on 2 monitors and 1 TV [*]Edited the config files
  • hdmi safe
  • hdmi group 1 and 2
  • hdmi mode 4, 16, ...
  • kms changed to fkms
[*](likely other things I am forgetting, I have been at this for about a week now)
The best response I have gotten so far is when I change kms to fkms or change hdmi safe on. these will get me to the rainbow splash screen but will show a black screen after that. I can access SSH from my main pc when the pi is on so I know its at least booting up just not displaying anything. As far as I can tell its having troubles outputting the correct resolution but I have not found a way to set the resolution to be fixed to see if that's actually what's going on.

I am also not a programmer, I understand directions on how to edit files but I do not know how to do any error look ups or things like that so if you want me to check something on the PI with SSH just let me know what I need to type out to get you the info you need.

I could really use the help here, all I want to do is set up a basic HTPC to replace my old desktop to TV setup i got. So any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by /u/Deviant-Gamer
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/c ... tup_after/
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