Am I asking too much of my Pi 3B+? (Jellyfin, OMV, and Nginx)

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Am I asking too much of my Pi 3B+? (Jellyfin, OMV, and Nginx)

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hey y'all, pretty much title. I've got a 3B+ that is running Jellyfin and OpenMediaVault for the same 2 drives, as well as Nginx for Reverse Proxy to each of those applications as well as other Pi's on my network that stream stuff to a website.

I've used said Pi to run Jellyfin and Nginx on the same drives originally without OMV for upwards of a year with no problems! But since adding OMV (and switching to Raspian OS Lite 64-bit from the full Desktop GUI Raspbian), it will restart when experiencing just a moderate load via OMV or Jellyfin.

For example, Jellyfin will load up and login just fine, but as soon as I try to browse any library, the images won't load, it will freeze, then crash. The same thing will happen if I am using OMV to transfer files and try to click through the file structure a bit too quickly. Also if I have a Putty window open to this Pi, it will lose connection at the same time. The website will lose connection, then the Pi will restart and be up again in ~3 minutes just fine. I've checked if it's under-voltage or overheated and get results suggesting "under-voltage has happened some time previously, but not currently", and temp tends to be mid 50's-ish.

Things I've done:

I've ordered a few official Pi power supplys that should arrive in the next few days. I've never had under-voltage issues with the one I've been using, but figured I'd rule this out. I originally tried running this from the 32-bit version of Raspbian OS Lite but ran into issues installing Docker on that version, I've read the 64-bit version can be buggy in some ways? I've also turned off intensive Jellyfin conversion settings hoping that was just too much for it.

I'd love to include some logs for debugging, but I'm not sure the best ones to troubleshot this. Please let me know what information would be helpful!
submitted by /u/Eilermoon
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Source: ... n_omv_and/
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