Looking for a game

[Released: 1989] The Game Boy is Nintendo's second handheld system following the Game & Watch series. Despite many other technologically superior handheld consoles introduced during its lifetime, the Game Boy was a tremendous success.

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Looking for a game

Post by /gameboy »

I remembered playing a black and white game as a kid on the gba sp it was kinda like a horror game and a strategy game so if you did a puzzle wrong or died you would have to start the game from the beginning. I remembered there being different routes and I believe each one was like a difference character and then you had like 3 hearts and would lose half a health or a complete one if you took damage from what I think were bats. The only character I remember is like a rip off mickey mouse probably had fangs I really can't remember any more than this. Can anyone let me know if they know what game this is I've been trying to look for it but can't seem to find it.

submitted by /u/unknownhero32
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