Which Bluetooth/WIFI PCI Card to get for Elite Series 2?

[Released: 2013] Moving away from its predecessor's PowerPC-based architecture, the Xbox One marks a shift back to the x86 architecture used in the original Xbox; it features an AMD Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) built around the x86-64 instruction set.

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Which Bluetooth/WIFI PCI Card to get for Elite Series 2?

Post by /xboxone »

I've just picked up a ES2 Controller on ebay for a banger price. Now thinking about how to connect it to my pc. Where I live the original adapter is hard to get and way too expensive, so I was thinking about installing a Bluetooth PCI card. Would be of use for various reasons in the future beside connecting the controller as well. So my question is: is there anyone here who runs his ES2 via Bluetooth and it works flawlessly? What hardware are you using? Thanks!

submitted by /u/bodombone
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