Is it just me, or is Xenosaga weird af?

[Released: 2000] The PS2 was video game console of all time, selling over 150 million units. More than 3,800 game titles have been released for the PS2 since launch, and more than 1.5 billion copies have been sold.

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Is it just me, or is Xenosaga weird af?

Post by /playstation2 »

I just started playing this game as I wanted to give JRPGs a chance and it’s been in my collection for a while. It’s just weird tho? Like it feels like a game very much from 2001, and the (for some reason) attractive killer drone girl really through me for a loop.
Maybe I just don’t like sci-fi like that, but the whole thing just feels weird? Like almost Katamari level weird? I also don’t dislike the game; the combat is kind of cool and different. Is this just how JRPGs are?

submitted by /u/Sometimealonealone
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