Why Gameboy ports used to control so poorly?

[Released: 1989] The Game Boy is Nintendo's second handheld system following the Game & Watch series. Despite many other technologically superior handheld consoles introduced during its lifetime, the Game Boy was a tremendous success.

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Why Gameboy ports used to control so poorly?

Post by /gameboy »

When console games were ported to the Gameboy, I understand that some things had to be changed due to the limitations of the hardware. Graphics, music, animations, screen resolution, all of that makes sense to me, but something I could never understand was why so many Gameboy ports control so poorly.
The Super Mario Land games, the Donkey Kong Land games, Lion King, Mortal Kombat, Castlevania (not ports but still) all had such weird controls if you are used to the console counterparts, just to name a few.
I can only think of a few games that made the transition well, like DuckTales, the Mega Man games or Operation C. But most control very differently, in a bad way.
Is this also a limitation of the hardware? Or is it just that these ports had less knowledgeable development teams than the console ones and did not put the same level of effort into tweaking the controls?

submitted by /u/HolyMacaxeira
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