Please forgive me if this is a stupid question, but are contemporary TV’s compatible with vintage consoles such as the PS2?

[Released: 2000] The PS2 was video game console of all time, selling over 150 million units. More than 3,800 game titles have been released for the PS2 since launch, and more than 1.5 billion copies have been sold.

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Please forgive me if this is a stupid question, but are contemporary TV’s compatible with vintage consoles such as the PS2?

Post by /playstation2 »

Like almost everybody else here, I grew up with the PS2 and I’ve been thinking of buying one (or maybe an N64, amongst others) soon but I don’t know if I would also need to purchase a particular TV too…? I’ve seen some of the setups here and many of them actually use early 2000’s style TVs which needless to say I don’t have
Do you play your PS2 on a modern or retro TV? Will the graphics look better on a modern TV? Would I need a TV with the right means to play it? Will any TV do? Could I hypothetically show someone here the TV I plan on buying and you let me know if it’s compatible?
I’m assuming as long as it has the correct wiring it doesn’t matter but let me know please!

submitted by /u/Varon_DiStefano
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