Is there a way that I can gameshare one game with my bf, if he is already gamesharing with someone else?

[Released: 2013] Moving away from its predecessor's PowerPC-based architecture, the Xbox One marks a shift back to the x86 architecture used in the original Xbox; it features an AMD Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) built around the x86-64 instruction set.

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Is there a way that I can gameshare one game with my bf, if he is already gamesharing with someone else?

Post by /xboxone »

My boyfriend has made someone else’s home Xbox his own, so he can gameshare with that person.
But me and my boyfriend live together and we want to buy modern warfare 2 but the person he gameshares with, doesn’t want to. So we want to buy one digital copy and share it, is there any way this can be done without stopping gamesharing with his friend?
Thank you!

submitted by /u/PinkSnakez
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