how do I get gauntlet legends to work on my n64?

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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how do I get gauntlet legends to work on my n64?

Post by /n64 »

So I just bought a used game for Christmas, for my boyfriend (gauntlet legends). I got it off an American website, since it's pretty hard to find the game in Canada. I just got the n64 about a week ago and I don't have any expansion packs or memory card/packs in my controller, I got pretty much the basics.
Well I got the game in the mail tonight and decided to try it out and when I turned on the power to my n64 the 64 doesn't register anything and my tv says no signal. The game is not working at all and nothing shows up on the screen at all, even with the power on. I have one more game that works really well, but it's also in like pristine condition with literally zero marks or wear, while gauntlet legends have some wear marks on the logo/back information stickers, but the inside looks not too bad.
I saw online that the game requires you to have a memory card in the controller to save your characters and the expansion pak, makes it so you can play with 4 people, but I was wondering if the game will still turn on, even without the memory card or is the game not turning on cause I need the extra stuff. I'm fine with buying the stuff, I just really hope that's all it is and that I didn't just buy a used game that doesn't work and have to go through getting a return.
I bought the game on American site lukie games.

submitted by /u/mrsbally0
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