Using a Wii as a Gamecube

[Released: 2001] The GameCube, with the Game Boy Player attachment, it is able to play Game Boy/Color, and Game Boy Advance titles. It's successor, the Wii, supports backward compatibility. Panasonic released a DVD player hybrid Gamecube.

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Using a Wii as a Gamecube

Post by /gamecube »

I am very much a novice in the gamecube space, I have wanted a Gamecube since probably 2007 but I am from a 'PlayStation' family and we were a single console household.
I now have access to some/ limited adult money and I wanted to start getting into playing Gamecube games.
The reason for this post is that I have a wii with the inputs for GC games but I have no idea where to start in terms of what controllers I should look for or games to play etc. Also is using a Wii as a Gamecube limiting in anyway?
I have Pokemon Emerald and Firered along with a GBA SP so I would like to play Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD GOD but prices particularly the latter are crazy expensive right now.

submitted by /u/benjy7990
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