What are you playing tonight? Here's my list of Halloween NES games. Which games should I add to the list?

[Released: 1983] The best-selling gaming console of its time. With the NES, Nintendo introduced a now-standard business model of licensing third-party developers, authorizing them to produce and distribute software for Nintendo's platform.

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What are you playing tonight? Here's my list of Halloween NES games. Which games should I add to the list?

Post by /nes »

Bram Stoker's Dracula
Castlevania (series): Popular opinion says #3 is the best, but I keep going back to #2 for it's creepy atmosphere. #1 has more of the classic monsters. avgn
Drac's Night Out: not fun
Dr Jekyl Mr Hide: not fun
Fester's Quest: single-player, best played alone with a rapid-fire controller review
Friday the 13th: Read the manual before you play, otherwise this game will be frustrating. What other game can you kill the antagonist's mother while he murders children? Seriously horrific game. Also good fun. Best with the lights off - don't forget your headlamp and notebook. avgn
Ghostbusters 1: It has it's shortcomings, but it's also satisfying to send Zuul and Stay Puft back to hell, or wherever they're from. Best played with the sound off for the first hour.
Ghostbusters 2: Fun game. Too bad the US never saw it.
Ghosts 'n Goblins: So damn difficult! Best played: passing the controller around among friends, as you will die often.
Ghoul School (1992):
Haunted Halloween - platformer beat 'em up, homebrew, fun
Holy Diver - looks fun, action platformer
Nightmare On Elm Street: This game is hilarious with 4-players; add infinite health cheat for mindless fun.
Manic Mansion - Run around a haunted house? Perfect! This just might be the most humorous game for the NES. Best played with 1 or 2 friends, pen, and paper.
Metroid - This game has incredible creepy music, great game play, and a dark suspenseful atmosphere. Best played in dim lighting and the volume turned up. More importantly, to get the authentic experience, prepare to create crudely drawn out the maps on graph paper while you explore the alien world. Pro tip: Bic 4-color pen
Monster in my pocket -
Monster Party - side scrolling monster hacking
Sweet Home - This looks like Final Fantasy, but plays like Resident Evil. Great game.
Uninvited - This is a puzzle/adventure game best played if you do NOT read the guides and walkthroughs. It's of the same vein as Shadowgate and Deja Vu. While only single-player, this game is good for a group. Very fun!
honorary mentions...
Wizardry - Proving Grounds of the Mad
Wizardry - The Knight of Diamonds
Xenophobe -
Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti (english translate)

submitted by /u/jason22internet
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