PSA: If You buy a Pal copy of Pokémon box Ruby and Sapphire, and you have an American Gamecube, and you get a freeloader, it

[Released: 2001] The GameCube, with the Game Boy Player attachment, it is able to play Game Boy/Color, and Game Boy Advance titles. It's successor, the Wii, supports backward compatibility. Panasonic released a DVD player hybrid Gamecube.

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PSA: If You buy a Pal copy of Pokémon box Ruby and Sapphire, and you have an American Gamecube, and you get a freeloader, it

Post by /gamecube »

So, if you just need this as a tool for your gba games, be sure to use a fresh memory card so you don’t screw up your saves, and if you’re using Pokémon FRLG. You need to 100% complete the story, otherwise transfers are blocked.

submitted by /u/alundeps05
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