Karaoke Tutorial

[Released: 2016] Licensed miniature replica NES that includes a static library of 30 built-in games supporting save states.

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Bustin' Moves
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Karaoke Tutorial

Post by /classicNES »

I have been having a ton of fun with karaoke on my classic system using the PocketCDG core and I didn't see a proper tutorial for it out there so I thought I'd write one.
·Step 1: Hack your mini. Download the latest version of Hakchi. Flash your kernel, you know the drill. Download and install Retroarch and the PocketCDG core onto your mini using KMFD's Mod Hub.
·Step 2: Obtain your karaoke files. This should consist of CDG files and MP3s with matching, coresponding names. If you want more than a couple songs, you should opt for using the USB storage mod or SD storage mod.
·Step 3: Add the CDG files as if you were adding games. I reccomend adding 10-20 at a time so you don't lose track of what you're doing.
·Step 4: Right click on each song and select, "show in windows explorer." Add the MP3 that corresponds to the CDG file. Copy the name of the CDG file, minus the period and extension, and rename the MP3 to match it using "paste." The CDG files are renamed slightly when added to Hakchi, and they must match the MP3's name exactly to function.
·Step 5: Change the beginning of the command line of each CDG to read "/bin/cdg ".
·Step 6: In the "Name" field, change each song's title to your liking.
·Step 7: Download album art for each song. The automated search feature actually works fairly well for this!
·Step 8 (optional): Obtain a microphone and speaker, give your most alcoholic friends a call!
If anybody knows of any sources for free, legal CDG karaoke music, please share! This core is a real hoot! Big thanks to KMFDManic and madmonkey for their work porting PocketCDG to the (S)NESC!

submitted by /u/BurningTrash4Heat
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