Help identifying a game.

[Released: 1990] The SNES was the best-selling console of the 16-bit era despite its relatively late start and the fierce competition it faced. The console was able to run some of the first three-dimensional video games on consoles, beginning with Star Fox.

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Help identifying a game.

Post by /snes »

You're playing as a redheaded male hero wearing blue Asian looking armor. You can punch, kick, and shoot what I would describe as a ki blast that came out as an orangish arc. I remember fighting an eyeball worm creature that grew back bigger every time you hit it. Eventually the creature would take up the entire room that you couldn't escape. My friend and I quit playing because we deemed it impossible at ~8 years old.
If I remember right it somewhat reminded me of Mega Man SNES games from the look and how you played through the levels.

Thanks for any help.

submitted by /u/fer549
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