Diagnose and fix broken PSP

[Released: 2004] The PSP is the only handheld console to use an optical disc format as its primary storage medium. Other distinguishing features of the console include its large viewing screen and robust multi-media capabilities.

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Diagnose and fix broken PSP

Post by /psp »

Hi, r/PSP

I'm the "family hacker" and I've been asked to fix a broken PSP. As far as the owner can tell me, he was playing with it connected to AC (the battery is dead) and it suddenly turned off, never to work again.
I don't think it's a software brick because it is not hacked, so it probably is a hardware problem.
A friend of mine tried plugging it to the AC and the green power light turned on, but the console itself, as expected, didn't work.
How can I check what is failing? And given the possible failure reasons, how could I fix it? I'm not a Sony guy, so I don't know much about its specifics

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Temporalin
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