Need help with pin connectors!

[Released: 1983] The best-selling gaming console of its time. With the NES, Nintendo introduced a now-standard business model of licensing third-party developers, authorizing them to produce and distribute software for Nintendo's platform.

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Need help with pin connectors!

Post by /nes »

Bought a broken NES from a used goods store (sold as broken for spare parts) and I Frankensteined it together with another semi-broken one I had back home. It all works pretty great but my troubles lie with both pin connectors. The original NES I had had a pin connector that was very easy to slide games into yet 99% of the time, it would boot up with nothing more than the no-good grey screen. Even bending the pins back as far as I was comfortable with, it still felt nice and smooth to push games into but would still give me the same grey screen. The 72 pin connector from the new NES has the exact opposite problem, where games play fine on it but it feels like a real ***** to change some games, sometimes having to grip down hard and really tug to pull out some carts. Again even with the pins bent down it never felt any looser.
From what I can tell they both seem to be newer non-original pin connectors from online and they were both given the “sandpaper treatmentâ€￾ as well as boiling to clean them. I know that most professional refurbishers say that it shouldn’t take much effort to push in games and I really want to protect the pins in my cartridges from any wear so does anyone have any ideas where I can find a sweet spot or happy medium?

submitted by /u/BringoSpringo
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