Recieved a strange GameCube today

[Released: 2001] The GameCube, with the Game Boy Player attachment, it is able to play Game Boy/Color, and Game Boy Advance titles. It's successor, the Wii, supports backward compatibility. Panasonic released a DVD player hybrid Gamecube.

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Recieved a strange GameCube today

Post by /gamecube »

I ordered a used GameCube from eBay that claimed to ship from the US only to realize once it started shipping that it was from Japan.
The description said it was a DOL-001 console and the region was NTSC-U/C(US/Canada) so I decided to just run with it. When the console arrived today, I noticed the sticker on the inside of the disc tray was in Japanese, and sure enough the one on the bottom of the GameCube was as well with DOL-001 (JPN) as the region code.
I was about to message the seller, but went ahead and tried booting some of my US games from it and surprisingly it seems to be able to read my discs just fine. Does anybody here know what might be going on here?

submitted by /u/Ruster93
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