The battle is complete (Genesis VS wii emulation VS wii u emulation)

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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The battle is complete (Genesis VS wii emulation VS wii u emulation)

Post by /genesis »

I've taken the evening to compare my OG genesis 2 on composite, wii emulation (genesis plus gx) (240p via component), and wii u emulation (retroarch) (480i via component) to see what I should keep. Wii won the battle by a LANDSLIDE. Sure I have a genesis 2 and optimally I would have a gen 1 with the retroarch cable and an everdrive pro, but that would get costly and I'd still be stuck with inferior controllers (sorry, sega). I fell in love with the wii's amazing emulation in terms of sound, AMAZING clarity, and great responsive controls. I thought the battle would be closer, but I can't even look at the composite sega anymore without shuddering. And the Wii U took too much troubleshooting, too long to boot, too long load times, looked worse than Wii, had too many menus/settings, and didn't have reliability in terms of which controller gets assigned to what, when it disconnects from inactivity, etc. Retro gaming is supposed to be quick and not a big hassle like the wii u experience was. PS: All tested on a Sony Trinitron FV310 27".

submitted by /u/Kuli24
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