2 NES decks and 1 controller for $50 in the wild

[Released: 1983] The best-selling gaming console of its time. With the NES, Nintendo introduced a now-standard business model of licensing third-party developers, authorizing them to produce and distribute software for Nintendo's platform.

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2 NES decks and 1 controller for $50 in the wild

Post by /nes »

Both are rather clean, one has a small chip in the shell. I opened both, no rust, no dead bugs, no dust bunnies. Looks like they were played with then stored somewhere clean and dry for about 25 years.
Not a bad deal? If only I could remember where I put the power supply for the NES, the ones I have out is for Twin Famicom and it's a bit lower voltage than what NES uses.

submitted by /u/tomytronics
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