Is my Kinect broken?

[Released: 2005] As the second console from Microsoft, the XBOX 360 completely sold out upon release in all regions except in Japan. About 33% of all consoles became defective making it the most unreliable console ever created.

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Is my Kinect broken?

Post by /xB360 »

Image Hello everyone. I bought a used Kinect a few days ago. Previous owner stated It worked perfectly, the only problem with it was that the plastic piece between the base and the sensor was snapped, so It couldn't move up and down. I disassembled it and fixed that issue, then I modded the cable by removing the old Kinect connector and soldering a USB cable + a 12V 1.5A Power adapter to connect it to my Xbox 360 Elite without buying a separate adapter.
When I tried to use the sensor with Kinect Studio and some C# apps, I noticed that the IR Camera does not work properly. The preview shows this greenish/Brown color (which if I recall correctly it means the depth is unknown) and I can't get the Kinect to recognize my body.
I noticed that in Kinect Explorer (on my Windows PC), if I move closer to my Kinect, the dots will disappear and the screen will get all Brown, while if I walk away more dots would appear. So there are signs of life I think!
The issue also persists on my Xbox 360 console. I could setup the sensor (microphones, motor, IR Blaster and RGB camera work fine) but still, the preview shows a few white dots flickering and nothing more, like the signal is disturbed.
Is there any way I can fix this? I already tried cleaning the contacts of the IR Camera Flex cable and I'm sure the IR Blaster Is working perfectly because it lights up.
Might it be an issue with the USB cable I used? Do you think the IR camera is completely broken?

submitted by /u/zMaskovip
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