Have I completely somehow deleted games or data by physically cleaning my 360?

[Released: 2005] As the second console from Microsoft, the XBOX 360 completely sold out upon release in all regions except in Japan. About 33% of all consoles became defective making it the most unreliable console ever created.

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Have I completely somehow deleted games or data by physically cleaning my 360?

Post by /xB360 »

My 360 is being ass and randomly stopped playing any disc about a week ago. I just started to play the hundred games/demos again that were randomly downloaded from years ago instead. I finally went to dust out the console so I could use my actual disc's again, didn't work still, so i decided to take it apart to clean it. I've done this multiple times before but once I turned it back on this time, so much data was suddenly gone, multiple accounts, memory saves, some of my memory stuff isn't even being included and now I have no data.... including the ton of games that were downloaded 10+ years ago that I have no disc for... all of it is gone. I don't use this console online so is it all just gone now or wtf can I do?

submitted by /u/ImaginaryYak1
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