Been a bit, But I have added to my collection

[Released: 1990] The SNES was the best-selling console of the 16-bit era despite its relatively late start and the fierce competition it faced. The console was able to run some of the first three-dimensional video games on consoles, beginning with Star Fox.

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Been a bit, But I have added to my collection

Post by /snes »

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My SNES collection has grown, and some of these were rescues. Such as Mario RPG, Star Fox, and Gaia.
Others I bought, Chrono Trigger being a recent purchase (Adding to my now complete collection of Chrono Trigger physical releases, in the US, and I have still yet to play it), and some where gifts, Porky, Football, and the SGB among that category.
TMNT IV has the back half of it's shell badly cracked... Will need to look into a replacement for it. Works fine though.
Also a question, Some of these have dirty carts that I would like to give a good cleaning and I would like to avoid potentially damaging/destroying the Labels. Is there a good way to remove the labels? I was thinking a low hairdryer to warm up the adhesive.
Anyway that is all for now, perhaps I will remember to share next time I find/get something nice

submitted by /u/Nathan_Belmont_RDM
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