Not the most valuable collection, but the games are strong

[Released: 1990] The SNES was the best-selling console of the 16-bit era despite its relatively late start and the fierce competition it faced. The console was able to run some of the first three-dimensional video games on consoles, beginning with Star Fox.

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Not the most valuable collection, but the games are strong

Post by /snes »

Image Not sure why Mega Man X is so blurry or who Chapman is/why his mom wrote his name on my NBA Jam cartridge, but I'm proud of my collection
Still have a few games on my wishlist (the Parodius series, Super Punch Out, TMNT Tournament Fighters/Turtles in Time, and Gundam Endless Duel mainly) and I have my favorite JRPGs (Chrono Trigger and FF6) on PS1, but other than that, this is basically what I consider the best SNES games

submitted by /u/Imthemayor
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