Just bought a Halo Edition Xbox from Value Village, what should I look out for on the inside to make sure it's ok to use?

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Just bought a Halo Edition Xbox from Value Village, what should I look out for on the inside to make sure it's ok to use?

Post by /xbox »

Image New to the sub and to original Xbox's, but just found this at Value Village for ~$36 (with a coupon) and couldn't pass it up. It powers on but the disc drive doesn't seem to be opening (possibly a broken motor or belt?). My question having never owned one of these before is, if I open it up what else should I keep an eye out for on the inside to make sure it's in fine working order?
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any controllers or A/V cables but I'm gonna keep an eye out the next few weeks at Value Village to see if any turn up!

submitted by /u/jgelder123
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