What is the best N64 game and why is it Mario 64?

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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What is the best N64 game and why is it Mario 64?

Post by /n64 »

Okay, rant, but since this game came out I’ve been playing video games and nothing compares to the challenge, intrigue and overall vibe (sometimes mysterious) of this game. More importantly, when will Nintendo create another mario masterpiece like this? I know it is possible. Galaxy and sunshine were close but IM SORRY the newer games are not that good IMO. I mean, I still play them, but at least remaster the original. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Humble-Ganache7351
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