Need help diagnosing orange ring after HD+ installation

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Need help diagnosing orange ring after HD+ installation

Post by /xbox »

Hello everyone. I have a feeling I'm gonna some peeps who are very well knowledgeable in Xbox repair to help me out.
I've added the 128mb ram upgrade to my console and it was successful across the board.
I removed the AV port and began following makemhz guide on installing it to my 1.3 console.
Bridged the needed av points. Installed the wires and when I assembled the console and powered it on it powered back off then back on to an orange ring. The fan ramped up and all I could say was get dangit this ain't good.
While I'm very familiar with the xbox 360 unfortunately I don't know error codes with the OG xbox that we'll. From researching its behavior the console thinks its over heating? I located the IC that works the temperature sensors and I gave it a little clean but nothing is visually wrong with it. Those who have installed the HD+ mod you don't need to work in that area.
I did not use a heat gun for the avport removal in fact it went very smoothly. I double checked my solder work and while i don't exactly like the provided wires for the HDMI board there are no shorts when I did some probing. Though it never did give me any Video signal and I triple checked the flex ribbon for the video encoder and there are no shorts there either.
Whats frustrating me is I can't figure out why it's doing this. At first I thought maybe it still thought there wasn't an HD video cable connected and I removed and redid the bridge work.
Is there an ambient sensor in that area that I damaged? Why does he have you use a capacitor ground? Is it possible when removing the ferrite SMD component caused excess heat to soak the thermistor and destroyed it? That particular capacitor could it be shorted from trying to get the pad hot enough to get my ground lead to bead nicely?
Is there a public service manual for the original xbox like there is for the xbox 360 that I can use to try and find the fault? I don't have access to a logic device or an oscilloscope to test the ADM1032 to see if it's malfunctioning.
I really appreciate any help you can give because I don't know why it's behaving this way. If it helps I'm using the open xenium it came with and while it's default bios is xblast OS.i already have a bios that's set up fkr the HD plus.
I did find errors with his instructions as mine came with a weird QSB that doesn't match the one in his guide and my HDMI board has slightly different solder pads than the one he used for reference but as far as I can tell it should just work.

submitted by /u/ViolentLambs
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