Need help fixing N64 Game Shark v3.3

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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Need help fixing N64 Game Shark v3.3

Post by /n64 »

Image I know that there is already a post about this on this sub, but my issue wasn’t described there. My issue is that the LED won’t even light up when I turn on the game. I tested it with Mario 64 and thoroughly cleaned the cartridge but nothing seems to work. The console and mario work on their own, its just an issue when I also use the game shark. Attached is a video showing what I mean.

submitted by /u/LastGamer98
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