Original Xbox power issue help!

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Original Xbox power issue help!

Post by /xbox »

Heya guys. Got an issue that’s baffling my tiny mind. So I had an original Xbox it’s modded has been working fine no issues…..
Plugged it in one day and it’s dead. Sometimes would power on. Sometimes wouldn’t.
So took it too be repaired and to be fair the guy did a good job. Replaced the power supply which was tested as working and re-capped it because they had blown.
It worked for a bit and now has developed a new issue.
You plug it in, it works, turn it off then try to turn it back on. Nothing.
Only way to get it to actually turn back on is to in plug it. Hold the power/eject button down. And while holding those buttons plug it back it and it works. You turn it off then you have to do this irritating situation again.
Any advice?

submitted by /u/Straight-Layer9874
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