PS1 game identification help please

[Released: 1994] Sony entered into an agreement with Nintendo to develop a CD-ROM attachment, for the Super Nintendo. Due to contractual problems it was never released, and instead, a modified version was introduced by Sony called the PlayStation.

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PS1 game identification help please

Post by /playstation »

So I am really very limited in what I remember here:
Basically I am fairly sure it was a Japanese game and occasionally crops up on worst game of all time lists.
It was about a man on some sort of quest to defeat a corporation. The main thing I’m going off is on one of the very early levels a quite racially negative black character joins your team and immediately starts calling your character ‘boss’ and possibly even mentions fried chicken. I think he saves you some how from maybe a gas station!
If anyone else knows what this is please tell me so I know I haven’t just invented a memory!
Thanks guys

submitted by /u/InconsiderateHog
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