Weird problem with PSX controllers/controller port

[Released: 1994] Sony entered into an agreement with Nintendo to develop a CD-ROM attachment, for the Super Nintendo. Due to contractual problems it was never released, and instead, a modified version was introduced by Sony called the PlayStation.

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Weird problem with PSX controllers/controller port

Post by /playstation »

I've recently fixed my old PSX (I've got it since I was a kid, it had faulty laser) but now I got weird problem with controllers/controller port. Original DualShock 2 controllers (that's working on my PS2) and original PSX gamepad don't work with my console (even in BIOS I don't see a cursor) BUT 3-rd party wireless controller from Apollo (Model: GP5222) works perfectly. I tought it can be blown fuse or faulty controller port, but since other controller works I have no idea what could be faulty. Did anyone have a similar problem?

submitted by /u/Fuilares
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