SNES with addicting gameplay loops

[Released: 1990] The SNES was the best-selling console of the 16-bit era despite its relatively late start and the fierce competition it faced. The console was able to run some of the first three-dimensional video games on consoles, beginning with Star Fox.

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SNES with addicting gameplay loops

Post by /snes »

So as Im playing SMB3 (all-star) Im finding it addicting in a way that I haven't found other great SNES games. As much as I like similar games like SMW, DKC series, this is one game I literally can't put down, and I keep playing for hours on end. Like, I can play it 4 hours straight, and I can rarely say this for any game.

I think this is because the challenge of the game, and specifically, how it demands mastership of every level, and rebeating the levels over and over as you access new levels in the world map (since when you die, it resets).

Was wondering if you guys could recommend similar games that you find 'addicting'. for example, I imaging Contra , Castlevania, Super Ghouls n Ghosts would all fit this criteria as well, since they are not only difficult, but require replaying of previous sections to progress in the level. This isn't the sole criteria that makes the games addicting for me, but felt I would post it as a way to get some guidelines going. Vs a game like Zelda/Metroid, which are moreso exploration based and while that's fun, it prob lacks that 'challenge' loop I'm referring to (then again I haven't played them either so what do I know)

Please recommend some!

submitted by /u/beowulf47
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