Um Jammer Lammy antipiracy? help?

[Released: 1994] Sony entered into an agreement with Nintendo to develop a CD-ROM attachment, for the Super Nintendo. Due to contractual problems it was never released, and instead, a modified version was introduced by Sony called the PlayStation.

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Um Jammer Lammy antipiracy? help?

Post by /playstation »

New poster here, apologies if this is a stupid question. So, recently I bought a (PAL) rental copy of Um Jammer Lammy. Arrived here today, booted it up, and uh.... error message. Specifically, the anti-piracy / modding one with ? behind some text. It was Japanese, and I can't read Japanese, but I recognised it from somewhere else. It's not NTSC-J, the PAL version just displays the JP message for some reason.
Anyway... I barely remember where I got the PS1 from, so I figured it was modded by the previous owner or something. I know someone else with a PAL PS1 (which I know is absolutely unmodded), so I borrowed that to test. Booted up...... aaand the same error. I had doubts the first console was modded, but there is absolutely no way both are. Is there anything specific, non-mod-related that can trigger that error? Is there any way other than disk swapping to get it to run, or am I out of luck? Again, apologies if this is a stupid thing to ask, but I have no idea what's up...

submitted by /u/mikusleftponytail
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