Faxanadu- one of the most underrated games on the NES

[Released: 1983] The best-selling gaming console of its time. With the NES, Nintendo introduced a now-standard business model of licensing third-party developers, authorizing them to produce and distribute software for Nintendo's platform.

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Faxanadu- one of the most underrated games on the NES

Post by /nes »

At least that is how I feel anyway. Part action, part RPG. Decent graphics and music. Lots of different screens to travel through. NPCs to meet. Monsters to slay. Weapons and armour to wear. Items to collect. And a story that is off the well worn track.
It's only fault in my mind, which can also be a blessing, was the password system. As I recall there were the numbers 0-9 and the alphabet, both upper and lower case. Even with the best TV at the time, it was hard to read exactly what some of the letters were. Or if you were in a rush or just careless, you wrote them wrong. Was that a zero 0, a capital O or a lower case o , for instance. And the reason it may be a blessing, is because either you used passwords found from magazines or you guessed and got lucky. But there were several sections of a password, as I recall... Something like this...
ac3fOodb 0sklmXvu
bKLi2MVw phPq48jE
It would of been much quicker with a save function, like in Legend of Zelda.
For what ever reason this is one of my favorite games on the NES and one which most people are not aware of. Perhaps because it has that old PC or DOS feel to it. Or the catchy name. =P If you can, I'd give it a try. You might be pleasantly surprised, even today.
I am reposting this, because the other thread is now archived after almost a year and quite frankly this game deserves some more loving. I actually enjoyed the NPC avatars. If you have never played it, I strongly recommend that you do. It is a wonderful adventure!

submitted by /u/DS9B5SG-1
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