Help me to remember a game title.

[Released: 1990] The SNES was the best-selling console of the 16-bit era despite its relatively late start and the fierce competition it faced. The console was able to run some of the first three-dimensional video games on consoles, beginning with Star Fox.

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Help me to remember a game title.

Post by /snes »

To be honest my memory is very blur, so i might get one or another detail wrong... It is a JP game, i believe there are angels and devils in the game. And very early on you have to pick one side (your character gets white or black wing depending on which side we chose).
And this part i am not really sure... that is i think the game is a tactical RPG like tactics ogre.
Anyone have ideas what is this game called? Thanks.

submitted by /u/InnerReserve3597
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