Arducam 64MP auto exposure

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Arducam 64MP auto exposure

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I got a question. I got my hands on a 64MP/Hawk-eye arducam module ( ... pberry-pi/). I wanted to do a timelapse with it - 24/7. But my main problem is that it's not really adjusting the shutter speed the way I'd like to.
It has a theoretical maximum of 435s of expsosure time, which is more than fine given that I may need like 6-10 seconds tops (due to lighting conditions). But I just can't seem to have it automatically adjust it's shutter speed. :/

I've used this guide to get it up and running: ... pberry-pi/

Unfortunately, as it seems, libcamera doesn't support anything like
--exposure auto OR -- shutter auto this is kind of frustrating as I'd really need to have an auto adjustable shutter speed. The hawk-eye module seems to just go to 1/8th of a second. Eventhough, I also tried framerate=0...

I'm kind of on a brick wall right now and could need some help.
So, if you know how to have an auto exposure time that'd be cool! Or if you could give me some documentation that I can read through!


submitted by /u/playeronthebeat
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