I just absolutely cannot connect to my Pi via VNC.... It is a Pi 4 on the latest dietpi

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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I just absolutely cannot connect to my Pi via VNC.... It is a Pi 4 on the latest dietpi

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I just flashed the newest dietpi to an SD and fired up the Pi. Initial setup completed. Got xfce desktop up and running, and then I installed Pihole and unbound and got those working successfully. Then I tried to get connected via VNC.
First on the dietpi, via dietpi-software, I installed the RealVNC server. There were no errors and I modified /boot/dietpi.txt as follows:
SOFTWARE_VNCSERVER_SHARE_DESKTOP=1 I rebooted after saving that change.
From my PC, I bring up my RealVNC client software and add the Pi's internal IP as a new connection. When I try to connect, I am prompted to accept the key or certificate, then I am prompted for a password. Notably, it is not prompting for a username - only a password.
The problem is, no password is working at all. When I installed dietpi, it prompted for a master software password(?) (I forget the exact wording but it was a prompt during the initial setup). I set 1 password there. It also asked me to change the default passwords for root and the user dietpi. So I changed those to a 2nd password. RealVNC accepts neither of those. I also tried leaving it blank, and I tried the dietpi default of "dietpi".
I tried setting new passwords for both dietpi and root, using "passwd" and "sudo passwd root" just to be safe. After resetting the passwords, neither worked for RealVNC.
I also found online where you can use the command "vncpasswd" to change certain VNC passwords.... So I tried using all of "vncpasswd -service", "vncpasswd -user", and "vncpasswd -virtual" to set the same passwords, and yet RealVNC continues to not accept any password.
In troubleshooting, I have also tried adjusting the value of "SOFTWARE_VNCSERVER_DISPLAY_INDEX" in /boot/dietpi.txt to 0, 1, and 2, and none seem to work, making sure to restart at least the vncserver process each time if not the Pi itself altogether.
I am stuck. Any guidance would be MUCH appreciated!

submitted by /u/NotTRYINGtobeLame
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