I’m looking to get into home brew / indie Sega Genesis game development as a hobby / cottage business:

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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I’m looking to get into home brew / indie Sega Genesis game development as a hobby / cottage business:

Post by /genesis »

First, I AM NOT ASKING FOR A JOB OR FOR MONEY just advice, to be pointed in the direction of some good resources, or maybe contacts.
I am not a computer scientist or even a very good coder. I am a guy who grew up playing Sega Genesis, and who still plays and loves it. There’s something magical to me about the SG, and when I discovered that people were still making, and even selling games for the console, I was blown away!
I have a good degree of financial freedom, and I’m looking for a passion project. I think I’d like to learn how to make a SG game so that I could turn the games I dreamed about when I was a kid, into a reality.
I’ve watched several YouTube tutorials and I’ve downloaded VSC, SGDK, a SG emulator (the name of which escapes me), Aseprite, and another program to create SG music.
I’ve found that I have some aptitude at creating the requisite sprites and images, but I am no good at the music. I’m also struggling with using SGDK in VSC.
To those of you who know how to do this, how should I get started? How can I learn? Also, is there a safe way to hire people to help with the areas that I’d need help with? (Please only reply publicly for now).
Once the game has been coded, the music composed, and the images and artwork created, how do I get it onto a cartridge?
Thanks in advance for any serious replies.

submitted by /u/RealPrimaris
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