RPI with x2go startlxde-pi gets me no window manager (missing windows buttons), but choosing LXDE (I think, starlxde?), it bo

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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RPI with x2go startlxde-pi gets me no window manager (missing windows buttons), but choosing LXDE (I think, starlxde?), it bo

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hi guys! I have a recently installed raspberry. I did the initial setup via monitor and keyboard, but now it's connected in a different place without it. So I'm using SSH to it. And usually x2go tends to work ok with it, but somehow it's giving me trouble as explained before. I created another user, by using raspi-config I believe, and deleted the original pi. The raspberry loads the desktop and I can open apps. And I can drag their windows around, but the focus remains on the first opened app regardless of what you open afterwards. And there's no way to minimize or close apps. However, if I start the LXDE environment, I get the desktop. It's missing the clock, the wifi widget and a lot of other typical stuff...but the menu bar, the windows buttons and the most basic things are there. Any idea what might be failing and how can I fix it? Raspi 4B 4GB, running Raspberry PI OS 64. Thanks!

submitted by /u/ibroughtashrubbery
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