Help! Can't change resolution on Raspberry pi 3b+

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Help! Can't change resolution on Raspberry pi 3b+

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hey guys, I hope someone if you can finally give me the answer I'm looking for! I am currently working on a smart mirror project based on the magic mirror framework. I'm following a tutorial where a face-Id module is installed. Therefore I bought a camera (NoIR Camera V2) and wanted to set it up. During setup of the Magic Mirror Module, it said that the camera isn't enabled and that I have to do that manually in the raspi-config. Now to my problem: After enabling the camera which is said to be done by changing the pi into legacy mode as the camera function is deprecated, I can't change my resolution back to 1920x1080p! I tried everything already, the raspi-config, the normal settings, changing the actual config.txt in the boot directory, disabling GL... I can't find any other solution, can you guys think of any other thing I can try to restore my resolution while still getting my camera to work?
Btw when changed to the legacy mode, he camera actually works

submitted by /u/PoriChori
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