Question re: Project Eris and Folder/UI capacity

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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Question re: Project Eris and Folder/UI capacity

Post by /psxclassic »

Tl;Dr - Is there an upper limit on the number of games the Project Eris carousel UI can handle? Or the number of games contained in a 'folder'?
[HR][/HR] I've got Project Eris setup on my psc and I've got a butt-load of games on a thumb drive via OTG and such. Everything works great.
Recently decided to try and use the Project Eris Desktop Client to better organize everything using the 'folders' in the carousel UI, based on a video that Restalgia had posted a couple years ago... The one about the desktop client specifically.
Loaded up the psc, everything seems to work fine. In the video he shows that using the 'folders' app on the carousel, he's able to add the 20 internal games to his Playstation folder.
When I do this I immediately notice 'Xenogears' isn't the last game on the list anymore... Instead it's some game back in the 'T's but it's labeled as' Xenogears'... It seems like a huge chunk of my psx games have mismatched titles/images and such, or are just no longer listed.
I've got about 350 games in that folder before adding the 20 internal games... Is there an upper limit on how big these folders can be? In terms of numbers of titles within them?
If there is an upper limit, it seems odd that it would be somewhere between 350 and 400...
Is it just me running into this? Anyone else run into weird behavior after adding a ton of games? Any info or thoughts are appreciated.
EDIT: My current solution is to simply make more than one folder, which seems to work alright. More just interested in whether or not we know where the limits are.

submitted by /u/AerintheADEQUATE
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