Issues installing OMV on RPi3B

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Issues installing OMV on RPi3B

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I've found this tutorial online on how to install OpenMediaVault on a raspberry pi, and it all seemed pretty simple.
The first bit was and went flawless, getting the OS running, connecting to my WiFi network and updating the Pi. OMV did get some errors while installing which I didn't know how to fix. So I decided to start from scratch since it wouldn't take too long.
Reinstalled OS, errors. Alright, I'll try to format the disk and try installing the OS again.
Wait, it shows up as two discs now? (Disc E and F, previously only E).
Alright, let's google how to fix that. Found a forum which helped some other people so decided to try it myself. Crap, now it recognizes the card but can't read it.
I just need help okay. Been here for days. And I can't figure this out, it shouldn't be this hard right?

submitted by /u/SlavicSymmetry
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