Unable to connect wirelessly to my Pi via SSH using OS X

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Unable to connect wirelessly to my Pi via SSH using OS X

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hello, I am trying to set up my Pi (it should be a Pi 1 B+) so that I can access it via wifi and I'm having a pretty weird issue when I try to connect to it using a Mac.
I bought a linux-compatible USB wifi antenna to have wireless access, and the antenna should be working properly because I am able to access the board via SSH using a desktop pc that is running Windows 10. This works both with putty and mobaxterm. I am also able to ping the board from the desktop PC.
I also own a Macbook Air, which I was using to access the board directly using the wifi connection up until yesterday. Today, I cannot ping the board from the Mac, nor connect via SSH to the board by using the Mac.
What's weird is that the Windows PC can ping both the Mac and the Pi without issues, and the Pi can ping the Windows PC as well. The Mac, however, can ping the Windows PC but cannot ping the Pi, and the Pi cannot ping the Mac either.
Both the Mac and the Pi are connected to the same network via Wifi, while the PC is connected with an eth cable instead.
If I try to connect the Pi to the local network with a cable, I can access it without any problem using the Mac.
Basically, this problem occurs only when I am trying to connect to the Pi from my Mac when both devices are connected to the local network via Wifi.
I have already enabled the SSH interface using raspi-config and I have already set a static IP address for the Pi, which is how I am interacting with it via the Windows PC. Looking at the admin interface of my router, the Pi is visible and has the correct IP address I am trying to use on the Mac.
Any idea on what is happening here? I am not even sure if I should be posting this here, or on a Mac-specific subreddit.

submitted by /u/rcpz93
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