How do I remote access my Raspberry Pi though VNC and also have a VPN turned on so I can make a Seedbox?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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How do I remote access my Raspberry Pi though VNC and also have a VPN turned on so I can make a Seedbox?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

So I have done a bit of research on this already, but I am not able to find a clear answer on how to make this possible. My explanation is a blurb in the second paragraph explaining everything.
So I am running Proton VPN (possibly switching to Mullvad once the time is up) as my VPN of choice currently. I am trying to set up one of my pis in my HomeLab as a seedbox and connect to it through VNC. The thing is that Proton VPN stops all local connections when turning the VPN on once everything is set up. I have some ideas on how to overcome this, but I am still unsure on how or if I should proceed. I thought of using a Ethernet adapter for a second connection, but I don't want to really spend more money on this. I also thought of creating a virtual Ethernet connection just for VNC that the VPN doesn't touch/isolate it. But, I am still pretty green on Linux and using command line interfaces in general, so any info would just need good documented steps. I tried that, but I think I messed it up and reversed back to where I started. VNC also wouldn't go though that connection on my PC, nor have I seen a way to change that IP on the VNC settings when I took a look around.
Some info:
  • I can't use the VPN on my whole network. I have my usual laptop and phone on it as well and they are for regular use without the need for VPN privacy. It is just for the Pi and that particular Pi only.
  • The Pi is hooked up to a network switch which is hooked up to the router.
  • My laptop is hooked up to the router and can access the pi though Ethernet.
  • Everything goes through the modem.
  • The Pi is using the standard Raspbian 32 bit distro and everything is done on the desktop currently, but I am slowly weaning myself off of using GUI as much as I can at the start.
  • I do have a spare monitor, keyboard, and mouse to control it locally, but I am trying to stay with using my laptop.
Overall, my ideas have lead to some hope, but it is still too far away to reach. Any help would be greatly appreciated by anyone who has set up something similar.

submitted by /u/furculture
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