Hard-wired composite out on RPi4?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Hard-wired composite out on RPi4?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I saw that on the Pi 3 you can grab a composite video signal from pins on the bottom of the board, bypassing the need for an av cable. I've already ordered the proper av cable ,since the one I already had was the wrong pinout, but I'm impatient and I'd like to try this on my Pi 4. I looked up the schematics on RaspberryPi.com, and while I have no idea how to read schematics, I'm pretty sure TP24 is the video source, and TP9 looked like a ground that was close, so I soldered an RCA cable to them, but I don't get any signal from it, not even noise. Can anyone here tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Edit: Oh, nevermind, I had a TRS cable plugged in for audio as well but the hardwired composite apparently doesn't work in addition to the TRRS jack.

submitted by /u/CosmicCactus42
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