Can't copy a write protected SD Card

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Can't copy a write protected SD Card

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Image So my SanDisk SD Card you put itself in Write protection, to prevent going over the write cycle, and overwrite existing data. That itself i don't have a problem with, but i'm unable to make a backup of the SD Card, and create an image of it. all the programs i've tried, midway says that the SD card is write protected, and therefore can't proceed making a copy.
It says: "An error occurred when attempting to read data from handle. error 1117: The request could not be executed because an I/O device error occurred.
Right now I only have Win32DiskImager, as it is small and lightweight. I have tried "Macrium Reflect Free", and that was the one that said it was write protected, and therefore couldn't copy the SD card.
How do i copy the entire SD card to another, or at least an an IMG file, so I can put it on a SSD?
I know I ****ed up, and didn't backup earlier.

submitted by /u/Blommefeldt
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