Pimoroni Trackball with Raspberry Pi 4b (running Raspbian Bullseye) not working

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Pimoroni Trackball with Raspberry Pi 4b (running Raspbian Bullseye) not working

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Ill preface by saying that Ive asked for help in the stickied thread to no avail, so this is my last resort:
Goal: Im trying to setup a pimoroni trackball to interface directly with my raspberry pi 4 b.
Issue: None of the installation steps from the readme in https://github.com/pimoroni/trackball-python seem to be working for me. I encounter a remote I/O error when trying to run evdev-mouse.py. The vendor website says these use RPi pins 1,3,5,7,9 and that installation is easy.
Here are the steps I took for installing/setup: 1. from a clean Raspbian image (Bullseye), I begin by running apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. I also enabled i2c interface via raspi-config 2. I ensure that evdev is installed via pip using "pip install evdev" 3. I clone the github into my default folder via "git clone https://github.com/pimoroni/trackball-python" 4. cd trackball-python 5. sudo ./install.sh 6. then I navigate to the examples folder from the github I cloned, and peform the following steps before attempting to run the evdev-mouse.py: 7. sudo apt install evdev 8. sudo modprobe uinput 9. sudo cp 10-trackball.rules /eyc/udev/rules.d/ 10. sudo udevadm control --reload-rules 11. then I run sudo ./install-service.sh 12. when I try "sudo ./evdev-mouse.py", I receive this remote I/O error: https://picbun.com/p/eHKip9PC 13. I can see the service listed using systemctl but its listed as failed: https://picbun.com/p/Gzh8O5Lk
I believe I have the correct connections to the GPIO pins, based on pinout.xyz: https://picbun.com/p/oh87xl35
And I also believe my soldering job has been adequate (using the socket extension that comes with the trackball):
Top: https://picbun.com/p/6zMBzZzh
Bottom: https://picbun.com/p/OJKxN5KC
Side: https://picbun.com/p/QefsVIJX
Troubleshooting Ive already attempted: 1. I found some people saying that this worked for them using Buster instead of Bullseye. I encountered the same error using Buster as I did Bullseye (using the same process as outline above) 2. I have tried the front GPIO pins just to see if the documentation was incorrect, same remote I/O error
So Im at a loss. I do not have experience with python really at all so Im thinking that+the I/O error I am seeing indicates that theres something basic Im not doing (could the trackball be shorted perhaps?)

submitted by /u/AaronMcCabe
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