Desk edge LED lighting (with calendar and alarms)

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Desk edge LED lighting (with calendar and alarms)

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Desk Edge lighting
My desk does not have any natural lighting and I had the idea of adding edge lighting to the desk and controlling it with a pi. that way I can get a sense of the passage of time by the changing color. I have a file with different colors and times, and I wrote a program that slowly transitions between them.
Mid day
Later I added functionality to add layers. basically you can select an area and have special functionality there. I have implemented 2 types of layers.
  • A clock with calendar integration. so a segment has a little white dot that moves thru the day, if I have meeting it will show them as dimmed segments. and 30 seconds before a meeting the whole strip will flash red (this is the thing that I like the most honestly.)
  • A pomodoro clock. following the pomodoro technique pattern
I added a motion sensor (you can see it at the base of the lamp) so that if it does not detect any movement for 10 min the whole thing shuts off.
I control the system via a REST API (I use it mostly to update the session token for the calendar).
Here is the repo with all the code

submitted by /u/Agile_Character
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