WIFI error rpi4 raspberry pi os/lite

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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WIFI error rpi4 raspberry pi os/lite

Post by /RaspberryPi »

i have used the rpi4 for about a year with no problems, then today i reinstalled raspberry pi os because i had some changed settings and stuff i wanted unchanged, so i re-install rpi os with noobs connected to wifi and stuff, then i open terminal and do sudo apt install realvnc-vnc-viewer sudo raspi-config (enable ssh) sudo reboot and when it boots up i notice it is not connected to wifi, so i click on the taskbars wifi logo, and it doesnt detect any networks, even after waiting for like 2 minutes, so i do sudo raspi-config (system>wireless LAN) and get "could not communicate with wpa_supplicant" enter "There was an error running option S1 wireless LAN" so then i figure its just a corrupt file or something and install rpi os lite with headless install and SSH enabled, using wpa_supplicant.conf to connect it to wifi with the SSID and Password (im using a touchscreen and dont wanna mess with noobs messed up mouse, okay?), make sure its all right, pop in the sd card, installs just fine, i try all the commands i know will do something to bring up ip adresses so i can ssh into it arp -a ipconfig (i kniw one of these is windows but not sure which one) none of them work so i go to raspi-config and try and connect to wifi from there and i get "could not communicate with wpa_supplicant" enter "There was an error running option S1 wireless LAN", again, so know im wondering if i screwed up the hardware somehow or something, so i add the wpa supplicant file i used for noobs into the root of the boot partition and get the same thing, wondering if the ssh has anything to do with it cuz thats all that i can think of that was the same between the two instllations, im using 4gb rpi 4b, a samsung evo select 32GB card that ive used for tons of OS including on the rpi2, so i know thats fine, and as far as i know the latest version of rpi os/lite, but ive been digging and seen others have had similar problem after doing sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade and sudo reboot, any help would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/doctorbean04
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