What are the actual cons on ps classic?

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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What are the actual cons on ps classic?

Post by /psxclassic »

So, when ps classic showed up i hushed to grab it. Do no why, but it was really cheap back then, around 40 dollars in my country.
By then the community here have already perfectly hacked it. I installed that emulator who looked like psp. Played several games on it before i had to put it back on the box because some irl issues.
I plan to take it out of the box eventually, but one thing recurring i hear is that the playstation classic apparently "didnt have enough power to handle emulation", which is weird, because i didnt feel like it even when playing action games on it. Sure, it was a bit janky, but as far i know this is also how it was on the original console.
I tried to check on youtube about more details of this controversy, but all i cound find were clickbaits complaining that there wasnt tomb raider or crash bandicoop on it, nobody of them said anything about fps and performace because obviously they didnt knew jack**** about it.
So im back here, the subreddit changed a bit last few years, i didnt find anymore the original site i used to download the psp-like emulator hack for the ps classic and im actually curious if i need to update it or if it remain on the same level of performarce.

submitted by /u/Melodic-Ad5905
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