Project Eris vs Autobleem in 2022

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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Project Eris vs Autobleem in 2022

Post by /psxclassic »

I know this probably sounds like the same old question asked regularly and that it most likely boils down to "take whatever you like", but one of them has to be better in one way or another, right?
I read several posts here and most people report nothing wrong with either and give relatively simple answers. But from a few youtube videos and my own research, Autobleem "seems" older and on rare occasions people have shown small stuttering, although it was only during loading or cutscenes, never during gameplay.
Project Eris seems like a more common go-to option nowadays, which leads me to believe it either has more features or fixed whatever issues may have been present previously. Even the top video on youtube for PS classic modding recommends it. I think it has to do with usb access (otg cables) or something?
Does having proper game artwork have anything to do with which mod you pick? I would like to have access to both controllers in case of multiplayer, so would using one over the other affected this?
Appreciate any help or clarification.

submitted by /u/PuppetMaster000
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